Sam Heuston Nip Slip Boob Show and Spreads Her Legs

Sam Heuston, alumni of UK Big Brother Class of 2005, makes it seem effortless to maintain her media presence. Click on pictures to enlarge and get a better view.

Samantha Leanne Heuston (born 1982 in Surrey, England) is a marketing student from Cheam. She was the third person to be evicted from the Big Brother House, when faced against Derek and Roberto. She received 59% of the public vote when she was voted out on June 17 (Day 22).

Since leaving the Big Brother house, Heuston has had photo shoots in The News of the World newspaper, in weekly men's magazines such as Nuts, Maxim and Zoo, and has declined offers of work from Playboy TV. She has also appeared on an episode of Italian Big Brother in the audience.

She has a small cameo in Brit Flick "Clubbing to Death" playing a Cage Rage ring girl. The film stars Nick Moran, Huey Morgan and Dave Courtney and is due out in 2007.

Davina conducted her interview in a bikini, despite it being at night. She is currently residing in London with fellow housemate Mary.