Kerry Katona Topless 36DD Big Boobs

Really big tits, I mean really really big tits. Click on pictures to enlarge

Kerry Jayne Elizabeth Katona (born September 6, 1980 in Warrington, Cheshire, England) is an English television presenter, writer, magazine columnist and former pop singer with girl band Atomic Kitten.

On July 15, 2007 Katona was taken hostage with her husband and daughter at their £2.5 million home in Wilmslow. Three home invaders held them captive and threatened to kill them, taking the family's mobile phones to make sure they could not contact anyone. Katona was held at knifepoint downstairs whilst the other men forced her husband to show them where the valuables were kept. None of them was physically harmed but the burglars eventually left with a Blue BMW and other valuables, the total loss being in the region of £100,000-150,000.